Professor (W3) of Algebra
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena invites applications for the tenured position of Professor (W3) of Algebra in the Institute of Mathematics, which is available from 1st April 2021.
Candidates should be internationally recognised for outstanding research in a modern part of algebra. They should display the potential for collaboration with the current research strengths at the department and the university. Experience connected with the acquisition of third-party funding is expected.
Teaching duties include basic and advanced lecture courses in algebra for the undergraduate, graduate and teacher training mathematics programmes, together with service teaching for computer science and for other faculties. Non-native speakers will be expected to acquire the ability to teach in Ger- man within three years of being appointed. The successful applicant should have leadership skills and will also be expected to do their fair share of administrative work. A doctoral degree and teaching skills are required, as is a postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation) or an equivalent body of postdoctoral scientific work.
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena encourages the hiring of female professors. Applications from women are particularly welcome. Handicapped applicants of equal qualifications will be given preference.
Your application should include a CV, photocopies of degree certificates, list of courses taught, teaching evaluation, list of publications, record of third-party funding and a research plan. The closing date for applications is 30th September 2019. Please submit your applications as a single PDF document (not exceeding 2 MB) to:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Prof. David J. Green (Dean)
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
07743 Jena, Germany
[email protected]