Professorship (W2) for Mathematics/ Operations Research at Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden)
The Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics at Dresden University of Applied Sciences invites applications for the Professorship Mathematics/Operations Research (Reference number: DD AM14) (grade W2 on the German university scale) to take up appointment in winter semester 2021/2022.
The field of appointment includes the following teaching areas
– Optimization
– Mathematics in Business and Economics
– Foundations of higher mathematics
The candidate is expected to demonstrate sound scientific knowledge, proven by a scientific study, doctorate and relevant practical experience in the above-mentioned fields, especially in the various sub-areas of optimization, as well as extensive teaching experience and the ability to offer courses in German, as the main teaching language is German. In addition, the willingness and ability to offer courses in English is expected.
In addition to fulfilling teaching obligations and supervising student research projects, internships and theses, the tasks include application-oriented research, knowledge transfer and participation in the academic self-administration of the university.
Further information can be obtained from the chair of the appointment committee, Prof. PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Jung (Tel. 0351/462-3241).
Applicants must fulfil the appointment requirements according to § 58 of the Saxon Higher Education Act.
Dresden University of Applied Sciences strives to increase the number of women in teaching and research and therefore expressly invites qualified female applicants to submit applications. Applications from severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration in case of equal qualifications.
Dresden University of Applied Sciences is certified as a family-friendly university. It promotes the professional equality of women and men and is committed to the reconciliation of work and family life.
Please send your application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, motivation letter, list of publications and academic presentations, teaching portfolio, copies of academic degrees and certificates) citing the reference number “DD AM14” by May 26th, 2020 in paper or electronic form to:
Dresden University of Applied Sciences
Personnel Affairs Department
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden
or [email protected].
The job announcement in German can be found in