Professorship (W3) Data Driven Mathematical Modeling at TU Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty II – Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Mathematics invites applications (deadline April 19th, 2022) for the permanent position of a University Professor – salary grade W3 for the field of “Mathematics – Data Driven Mathematical Modeling”
Working Field: The position includes the role of head of the new unit “Data Driven Mathematical Modeling” at
Weierstrass Institute. The holder of the position covers teaching in the area of “Data Driven Mathematical Modeling” at
TU Berlin. Candidates should be able to teach in German as
well as in English.
Weierstrass Institute conducts project-oriented research in applied analysis and applied stochastics, in order to
contribute to the solution of complex economic, scientific, and technological problems. Research work at WIAS
comprises the entire process of problem solution, from the mathematical modeling to the development of algorithms and
to the numerical simulation of technological processes. The choice of WIAS’ application areas is oriented at public
requirements like energy utilization, medical development, research of material characteristics or the quality analysis of
technical innovations.
Requirements: Applicants must fulfill the requirements for appointment at the professor level in compliance with § 100 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act). Candidates have a profile in applied and computational mathematics, with special focus on the optimal combination of
complex (for example thermodynamic consistent) models with data. The candidate’s research interest comprises the
intersection of model driven and data driven approaches, combined with the development of new technologies and tools
for the solving or addressing of problems with partial differential equations and subsequent data analysis. The
development and analysis of methods in the area of artificial intelligence (for example machine learning) and their
application in at least one of the following areas:
Modeling of materials;
Optimization and regulation in technology and economy;
Quantitative biomedicine and medical imaging;
Transformation, storage and distribution of energy.
Relevant experience in teaching, including the supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD theses, as well as
experience in administrative duties and experience in third party funded and joint research projects is expected.
For more information, please visit