15 Apr 2020

Professorship (W3) for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at HHU Düsseldorf

The Mathematical Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf invites applications for the

Professorship for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (grade W3 on the German university scale)

to take up appointment on 01.01.2021. We are seeking an individual who has attained international recognition in the field of financial and actuarial mathematics, e.g., in stochastic modeling of financial markets, quantitative risk management, stochastic optimization, operations research, or numerical analysis of stochastic partial differential equations. The candidate’s research is expected to have close connections to existing research topics of the Mathematical Institute or the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Successful interdisciplinary collaboration with the economic sciences will be an advantage.

The candidate is expected to demonstrate successful acquisition of competitive third-party funding and an outstanding publication record in internationally renowned mathematical journals. Next to excellent achievements in university-level teaching in the area of mathematics, we expect a high degree of commitment to organization and further development of our study program in financial and actuarial mathematics, to future acquisition of third-party funding for interdisciplinary research projects of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, and to networking and scientific exchange with the regional finance and insurance industry.

Participation in the institute’s teaching duties of basic mathematics for undergraduates and in university administrative activities is required.

Conditions for employment are, in addition to general administrative conditions in accordance with § 36 of the North Rhine-Westphalia University Act (Gesetz über die Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen), an aptitude for teaching, exceptional competence in research, and additional scientific achievements.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply; they will be given preference in cases of equal aptitude, ability, and professional achievements unless there are exceptional reasons for choosing another applicant.

Applications from suitably qualified severely disabled persons or disabled persons regarded as being of equal status according to Book IX of the German Social Legal Code (SGB – Soziales Gesetzbuch) are encouraged.

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf lives the principle of “excellence through diversity“. HHU has signed the “Charta der Vielfalt (diversity)” and successfully participated in the audit “Shaping Diversity” of the Stifterverband. HHU is certified as family-friendly and aims to promote its employees’ diversity.

At Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, appointments may also be part-time, provided there are no overriding administrative reasons in individual cases for requiring full-time employment.

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf offers a Dual Career Service and is a member of the Rhineland Dual Career Network (Dual Career Netzwerk Rheinland). Further information can be found at www.dualcareer-rheinland.de.

Detailed application materials with (1) a motivation letter, (2) curriculum vitae including a list of publications, teaching experience and third-party funded projects, and (3) a short research and teaching statement should be submitted in a single PDF-file by 27.05.2020, citing reference no. 12.20 – 3.1, to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ([email protected]).

The official announcement can be found here:
