18 Feb 2022

Professorship (W3) Geometry and Mathematical Physics and TU Berlin – new deadline

Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty II – Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Mathematics invites applications (new deadline February 28th, 2022) for the permanent position of a University Professor – salary grade W3 for the field of “Mathematics – Geometry and Mathematical Physics”.
Working Field: Research and teaching in the area of Geometry and Mathematical Physics, covering the full span from basic research to applications in areas like computer graphics and physics.
Requirements: Applicants must fulfill the requirements for appointment at the professor level in compliance with § 100 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act). Candidates have an internationally visible profile based on excellent achievements in current mathematical research in geometry and mathematical physics demonstrated by relevant publications in peer-reviewed journals. Relevant experience in teaching, including the supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD theses, as well as experience in administrative duties and experience in third party funded and joint research projects is expected. The candidate’s research direction should allow an integration in the Institute’s Geometry and Mathematical Physics Group, in the SFB Transregio “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics”, as well as in further collaborative research activities.
For more information, please visit