24 Jan 2019

Project Coordinator

Postdoctoral positions at the Renyi Institute

A one/two-year postdoctoral fellowship in mathematics opened for application at the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics (Budapest, Hungary), starting in September 2019, in the field of

Growth in Finite and Infinite Groups,

(diameters and expansion of Cayley graphs, property (T), word growth, product theorems in finite groups extending the results of Helfgott, Breuillard-Green-Tao, Pyber-Szabo). The position is teaching free; in particular, the candidates are not required to speak Hungarian. The salary is gross 24,000 Euro/year, together with travel grant of 1500 Euro/year.
The project Is financed by the European Research Council through the ERC Advanced Grant “Growth in Groups and Graph Isomorphism Now”.

Deadline for application: February 28, 2019.

Please send applications by email to [email protected] and include GROGandGIN in the subject.

The application should contain:
• a CV
• a list of publications
• a short (2-3 pages) summary of past research
• a short (2-3 pages) research statement
• two letters of recommendation should be directly sent to [email protected]