05 Mar 2020

Research Associate in Solar Physics

Post Doctoral Research Associate in Solar Physics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Salary: £30,942 – £40,322 per annum

Closing date: 02 April 2020

DAMTP invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the science exploitation of near-future DKIST and Solar Orbiter coronal observations. Key science topics are; the role of Alfven waves in coronal heating and the fine-structure of the corona, to be obtained with the unprecedented DKIST observations and understanding the formation of transition-region lines and their use to identify the source regions of the solar wind measured by Solar Orbiter.

The candidate will work within the Atomic Astrophysics group in close collaboration with Dr Giulio Del Zanna. Initially, the project will involve the analysis of existing spectroscopic observations and the improvement of current models to measure key plasma parameters including densities, temperatures and chemical abundances.

The group also includes Dr Helen Mason, visiting professors and two PhD students. The group has strong collaborations locally (with the British Antarctic Survey) and many solar and atomic physics research centres within the field. The group is also integrated with the Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics group at DAMTP.

The role holder will develop and conduct individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. They will be expected to plan and manage their own research and administration, with guidance if required, plus assisting in the preparation of proposals and applications to external bodies. Proficient in communicating material of a technical nature and be able to build internal and external contacts. The role holder may assist in the supervision of student projects, the development of student research skills, provide instruction or plan/deliver seminars relating to the research area.

The successful candidate should have recently obtained (or be about to obtain) a PhD in Physics, Astronomy or a related discipline. Ideally having experience in analysing imaging and spectral data from solar missions. Some experience in atomic data and modelling, plus programming experience in IDL, Python, FORTRAN, would be desirable.

Enquiries can be made by contacting: [email protected]

Apply via: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/25265/

Click the ‘Apply’ button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.

Please indicate the contact details of two academic referees on the online application form and upload a full curriculum vitae and a description of your recent research (not to exceed three pages). Please ensure that at least one of your referees is contactable [at any time during the selection process, and is made aware that they will be contacted by the Mathematics HR Office Administrator to request that they upload a reference for you to our Web Recruitment System; and please encourage them to do so promptly.

The tenure is full time for 30 months starting between June and September 2020.

The closing date for applications is 02 April 2020.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society. We particularly welcome applications from women and /or candidates from a BME background for this vacancy as they are currently under-represented at this level in our Department.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.