27 Jul 2020

Research post-doc position which is a part of a NCN MAESTRO project „Dynamic asymptotic combinatorics” (director: prof. Piotr Śniady)

The position will be financed until April 30, 2024. The gross salary is 10 000 PLN per month (note that the employer’s taxes must be deducted). The beginning of employ-ment: between October 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021 (the exact date will be arranged with the successful candidate).

It is expected that the post-doc will actively conduct research in the area related to the research grant, take active part in meetings of the research group and look after PhD stu-dents and students.

The main place of work will be in the town of Toruń.

The ideal candidate (female or male) holds a PhD in mathematics, computer science or physics and has knowledge and skills in combinatorics (especially algebraic, enumerative and asymptotic combinatorics), representation theory, probability theory, random matrix theory, Voiculescu’s free probability. Non-ideal candidates are also welcome.

Details of the research project. When preparing the application, a complete project de-scription available on the website http://psniady.impan.pl/jobsmight be helpful.

Submissions. Applications containing:
•CV; in the case of candidates who do not yet have a PhD degree – information about the planned defense date,
•description of scientific interests,•description of scientific achievements, awards and distinctions,•list of publications,
•a few words (but no more than one page) on the subject: why do I apply?
•contact to two people who are ready to present recommendation letters,should be sent by August 14, 2020 to the the grant director [email protected]

The candidates may be asked to participate in an interview with the members of the hiring committee.

Formal requirements and legal notes. In order to be eligible, the candidate must have obtained a doctoral degree not earlier than 7 years before the year of employment in the project. This period does not include breaks related to parental leave or sickness benefits. In the case of women, the indicated 7-year period can be extended by 18 months for each born or adopted child.

For more details seehttps://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2017/uchwala56_2017-zal1.pdfpage 59.