17 Dec 2019

Rosalind Franklin Fellowship in AI at University Medical Center Groningen


The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) welcomes talented and ambitious female researchers to apply for a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship and join our research community. This position offers the opportunity to develop your own research programme in connection to and embedded in one of the UMCG research institutes, and set your career path to full professorship.

The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is linked to the University of Groningen (UG). Research, teaching, professional training and patient care are closely integrated and the research facilities are excellent. The UMCG’s mission is ‘Building the Future of Health’ which is achieved by focusing its research on mechanisms of disease, innovative treatments and prevention.
The UMCG and UG jointly set up ERIBA, the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing. Furthermore, research at the UMCG is embedded in five Institutes: GUIDE (Chronic Diseases and Drug Exploration), BCN-BRAIN (Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences), SHARE (Science in Healthy Ageing and health caRE), W.J. Kolff Institute (Biomaterials), and CRCG (Fundamental, Clinical and Translational Cancer Research).

Job description

The University of Groningen initiated the prestigious Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme for the advancement of ambitious (international) researchers at the institution’s highest academic levels. The programme has been running since 2002 and has financed over hundred Fellows.

The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme is looking for women in academia, research institutes and industry who have a PhD and would like an academic career towards full professorship at a European top research university. The Fellowship is awarded to outstanding researchers.

Candidates applying for a fellowship at the UMCG will establish a research programme in connection to and in collaboration with departmental, institutional and international colleagues, which is largely externally funded. They will also participate in and contribute to the development of the teaching programme of their discipline and organize their research and activities so as to create the best possible impact on society.

The UMCG has two fellowship positions available. We invite ambitious female academics to apply for one of these positions.

Under European jurisdiction, it is lawful to specifically recruit underrepresented groups.

Two RFF positions
The UMCG has two Tenure/Talent Track positions available for talented female researchers in the fields of bioinformatics and big data/machine learning and innovative materials for clinical application.

Innovative Materials
New technologies and materials, from printed heart valves to DNA chips, are rapidly changing the world and the human condition. The human body has become an increasingly acceptable object of technological intervention with technologies that monitor, analyze and influence it. Recent major improvements in material science has led to the development of smart and bioactive materials that can replace the passive and inert materials of the first generation biomaterials. Ultimately, the material systems should guide the inherent, regenerative potential of the human body itself. This faculty position will focus on the development of innovative life-like biomaterials.

Artificial Intelligence
In healthcare, the amount of data acquired is increasing at a rapid pace requiring new technological approaches to be able to handle, process and utilize this data to allow personalized diagnosis and treatment of the patient. To achieve this, the UMCG is heavily investing to establish an expertise center (Data Science Center in Health) to increase knowledge and use of Data Science in patient care, research and education. To strengthen the position of DASH, Rosalind Franklin Fellow candidates are invited with a strong background in Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning. Experience in medical applications is a plus but not a strict requirement.


General requirements
• team player and demonstrable organizational qualities and communication skills
• PhD degree for at least 5 years on reference date 1 June 2019
• exemplary research record demonstrated by:
• – original research papers in international top journals
• – reviews, research opinions or other publications showing your contribution to the field
• – other research output, e.g. patents, methods, databases
• – citation record
• any means to show the value and influence of your research, e.g. uptake in policy documents or practice guidelines
• proof of independence and international recognition
• experience in various working environments in different countries
• success in acquiring external funding for research projects
• teaching experience or inclination for teaching demonstrated by tutoring/mentoring of individuals or small groups
• willing/ability to work in an interdisciplinary setting
• a well-founded and motivated application (see subheading ‘Application’) with an innovative research plan for the first five years and a challenging outlook for the future which takes into account the international research landscape in your field of specialization.

Conditions of employment

In accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for the Dutch University Medical Centers, we offer:

• a Tenure/Talent Track position leading to full professorship
• the possibility to enter the Tenure/Talent Track at the level of assistant or associate professor
• a start-up package for your research including a 4-year PhD position and € 120.000 research bench fee.

Candidates who are awarded a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship can enter at the level of assistant professor, associate professor with ius promovendi or full professor. The conditions of employment comply with the Collective Labour Agreement for the University Medical Centers. Salaries include an 8% holiday allowance, an 8.3% year-end bonus and participation in an employee pension scheme.

Questions about the terms of employment can be sent to Mrs. Dineke ten Dolle, [email protected]

The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship lasts for 5 years. Following a favourable assessment of your research and teaching qualifications after 4-5 years of employment, you will be awarded tenure and the appropriate next academic step. Promotion to full professorship is aimed for as last step in the Tenure/Talent Track. In general, the level of assistant professor takes 5 years and the level of associate professor takes 7 years, before reaching the rank of full professor. Internal candidates will be offered a customized contract because of legal restrictions in succeeding contracts.


You are invited to apply for a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship position before 15 January 2020 by means of the application form (click on “Apply” below on the advertisement on the university website).

Applicants should submit:
1. a full curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications and other research output (file 1.)
2. a letter of motivation (file 2.)
3. a 3-5 page statement of research accomplishments and future research goals (file 3.)
4. a list of five selected ‘best papers’ (preferably including copies) (file 4.)
5. the names and contact information (including email address) of 3 referees (file 5.)

The application files should be sent electronically in PDF format.

Applications with missing credentials will not be taken into consideration.

An assessment may be part of the selection procedure.

Unsolicited marketing is not appreciated.


For information you can contact:
Mrs. Nicolien Wieringa, PhD, [email protected]

Please do not use the e-mail address(es) above for applications.

Additional information
More information about the research programmes