24 Jan 2020

Tenure track in computational mathematics at UmeƄ University, Sweden

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics conducts strong research in several areas of computational mathematics, including geometric numerical integration, cut finite elements, and applied spectral theory. In cooperation with the Departments of Computing Science and Physics, we also run a joint interdisciplinary research environment in computational science, UMIT Research Lab, with a rich variety of activities, seminars and opportunities for academic and industrial collaborations. With this recruitment, we wish to strengthen our research in computational mathematics. For the right candidates we offer good opportunities to build up his or her own research agenda.

=The employment=

The person we are seeking will conduct research in computational mathematics, broadly interpreted, and contribute to the continued development of the research environment in the field. Other tasks include teaching in mathematics. Undergraduate programs at the department, with academically strong students, offer the opportunity to supervise graduate theses in collaboration with external partners. Additionally, supervision of PhD students and postdocs, primarily in computational mathematics, may be a possibility. The person employed is expected to actively seek external funding for his or her research activities.

Employment is limited to 5 years and consists of 4 years own research and 1 year teaching. The position is a “tenure-track” that makes it possible to develop and establish a long-term research. An Assistant Professor has the right, upon request, to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor.


For further information and instructions on how to apply, see


Welcome with your application!

Contact: ƅke BrƤnnstrƶm, [email protected], Dept of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, UmeĆ„ University, Sweden