13 Dec 2019

Tenure track position at CWI Scientific Computing group in Amsterdam

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science in Amsterdam, invites enthusiastic and highly talented researchers to apply for a

Tenure track position in the area of Machine Learning and Partial Differential Equations

Job description:
CWI is looking for an excellent applied mathematician with research interests in machine learning, partial differential equations and scientific computing. You have profound expertise in one or more of these areas; preferably, you combine them in your research. Furthermore, you have an interest in applications relevant to the Scientific Computing research group: multiscale systems, climate, finance, renewable energy, and computational fluid dynamics.

The tenure track position will be in the Scientific Computing research group at CWI. Current research topics of the group include uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, multiscale modeling and simulation, data-driven stochastic modeling, numerical algorithms for stochastic differential equations, Monte Carlo methods and rare event simulation.

For more information, please visit https://www.cwi.nl/jobs/vacancies/tenure-track-position-machine-learning-and-partial-differential-equations

We especially invite qualified women to apply.

Please e-mail your application before 15 January 2020 to [email protected]