Tenure Track Professor (f/m/d) (W1 with Tenure-Track to W2) in the field of Discrete Optimization
The University of Bremen is distinguished by its high desire for innovation. This creates a multifaceted research and teaching environment with clearly defined career paths, particularly for young researchers . As part of the Federal State Program for promoting young talent, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science (Faculty 3) is hiring a
Tenure Track Professor (f/m/d) (W1 with Tenure-Track to W2)
Reference number: JP397/19
in the field of
Discrete Optimization
to be filled at the next possible date. It is planned that this professorship will be a part of the Center for Industrial Mathematics.
The professorship will be initially offered for the duration of three years, as a temporary civil servant. Following a positive interim advisory review, the professorship will be extended for a further three years. Provided that the performance evaluation after at the latest six years is positive, the position will become a tenured professorship (W2). To allow for developing an academic profile, a gradual entry into the teaching duties of a Junior Professor is ensured.
We are looking for someone who has already gathered initial experience in university-level teaching and independent research and whose development can be expected to achieve national and international visibility.
The appointed person will independently advance the field of discrete optimization with his or her teaching and research and facilitate the scientific and academic development of the students they mentor. The ideal candidate will be someone with experience and potential in the area of integer or mixed integer optimization or combinatorial optimization with an evident connection to developing methods and algorithms.
As a part of the Center for Industrial Mathematics this professorship is expected to support and develop the many research collaborations of the center, including the industrial partnerships. These collaboration activities should be connected with obtaining third-party funding. Experience with applying mathematical methods to problems in natural and engineering sciences is also expected. Involvement in the DFG Postgraduate Program “Ï€3: Parameter Identification – Analysis, Algorithms, Applications” is desired.
In addition to research productivity and obtaining third-party funded collaborations, other tasks include teaching in the degree programmes Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics as well as participating in service courses for degree programmes in the natural and engineering sciences. A willingness to offer courses in English and, after at most three years, in German is expected.
German language skills are not required at the time of hiring.
Requirements for this position are a completed mathematical university degree and an exceptional doctoral degree granted within the last five years. Further scientific performance, which can have been obtained outside of academia, as well as experience in teaching at a university are desired.
The appointment to this professorship will be done in accord with §§18 and 18a BremHG and §117 of the BremBG. Applicants already holding a doctorade in Bremen should have changed university after completing their doctorade or have worked outside Bremen University for at least two years. Irrespective oft he distance in time to the doctorade (a maximum of five years), previous employment phases at german universities and research institutions should not in total exceed six years (see § 117 BremBG).
The university offers many services to support new professors, including a Welcome Center, child care facilities and dual career as well as personal and career development programs.
The University of Bremen is committed to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination and strives to increase the number of women in science. The university has received multiple awards for its gender equality policy and is certified as a family-friendly university. Female candidates are explicitly encouraged to apply. International applications as well as applications from scientists with a migration background are expressly welcomed. Applications from handicapped candidates will be given priority in case of equivalent personal and professional qualification.
Applications including a cover letter, CV, publication list, copies of degree certificates, should be submitted by 31 December 2019 to:
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 3 – Mathematik und Informatik
Reference number: JP397/19
Bibliothekstraße 5
28359 Bremen
or electronically in a single PDF file: [email protected]
Comprehensive information on all aspects of the hiring process can be obtained here: www.unibremen.de/berufungsverfahren