Two research positions (Applied or Numerical Analysis) at TU Dresden
At the DFG Research Group 3013 “Vector-and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs”, two project positions are available at the earliest possible date as a Research Associate (fixed term for 3 years, salary group E13 TVL, 75% working load, about 35K Euro brutto per year).
The DFG research group 3013 deals with the modelling, numerics and simulation of vector-and tensor-valued partial differential equations on surfaces. It connects worldwide leading research groups in the fields of analysis, numerics as well as modelling and simulation of continuum mechanical processes.
We are looking for a scientist, who as part of the working groups of Prof. Dr. Stefan Neukamm and Prof. Dr. Oliver Sander, will work on the subproject “Heterogeneous thin structures with prestrain“. It deals with the mathematical homogenization and numerical approximation of thin, nonlinearly elastic structures. The effects of microscopic prestrain and material inhomogeneities on the macroscopic mechanical behaviour are investigated. One of the positions focuses on analysis and modeling (in particular, homogenization and dimension reduction in nonlinear elasticity), the other one focuses on numerical analysis (finite element methods for non-Euclidean function spaces).
Applications with or without a PhD are expressly welcome. Please send your application till Jan 31, 2020 with the usual documents (in particular a letter of recommendation or reference addresses) preferably via the as single PDF document to [email protected]. The official job offer can be found at