University Professor of Mathematics with focus on variational methods and partial differential equations
The University of Innsbruck invites applications for the position of a
University Professor of Mathematics with focus on variational methods and partial differential equations
at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Physics. The position will be based on a permanent civil-law employment contract with the University.
The successful candidate will represent the subject mathematics with focus on variational methods or partial differential equations, both in research and teaching. Her or his scientific contributions will rely on profound mathematical methods and be of relevance for current re-search areas as well as applications in natural or technical sciences. She or he will pursue and establish scientific contacts with national and international research institutions of high reputa-tion and acquire research funds. In addition, the successful candidate will establish co-opera-tions within the department as well as interdisciplinary co-operations within the university. He or she will make fundamental contributions to up-to-date subjects in the field of variational methods or partial differential equations, respectively, documented by publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
The successful candidate will supervise lectures of the faculty in her or his area of expertise and related areas in all levels of the university’s education in mathematics, where applicable in English. If missing, she or he will have a good knowledge of the German language within two years. She or he will contribute to the further development of department and faculty, public outreach activities, and administrative tasks.
a) A pertinent degree in higher education;
b) a pertinent habilitation or equivalent qualification;
c) publications in leading international peer-reviewed journals;
d) involvement in international research activities and pertinent international experience;
e) experience in the acquisition of research funds;
f) didactic competence and teaching experience;
g) social competence and leadership ability.
The University of Innsbruck is committed to increasing the percentage of female employees, especially in leading positions and therefore explicitly invites women to apply. In the case of equivalent qualifications, women will be given preference.
Applications must reach us at the latest by June 03, 2019 and should include the following documentation:
1. Curriculum vitae including a description of the scientific and professional career;
2. list of publications including copies of the five most important contributions; preferentially with ORCID number or ResearcherID included;
3. list of talks at conferences;
4. list of research stays;
5. list of acquired research grants;
6. research statement;
7. list of teaching activities and teaching statement.
All documents have to be submitted in digital form in a single pdf-file (CD-ROM, e-mail, etc.). Hardcopy (paper) is optional. Please send the documents to: Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Fakultäten Servicestelle, Standort Technikerstraße 17, A-6020 Innsbruck ([email protected]).
The basic salary is set down in the collective bargaining agreement for university employees. Professors are in the remuneration group A 1. For the position the minimum annual gross salary is 71.822,80 Euro. Depending on qualification and experience a higher salary and the endowment of the position can be a topic in the negotiations with the rector. Beyond that the university offers attractive additional benefits (
The authoritative text in German (published in the official bulletin of the University of April 3, .2019 as well as additional information on the current status of the application process may be found at:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Tilmann Märk