24 Mar 2022

PRYME gathering

We are happy to announce the first PRYME Gathering:

Pandemic Response for Young Mathematicians in Europe

sponsored by the Corona Working Group of the European Women in Mathematics (EWM).

We are all exhausted by the ongoing pandemic but there are continued and, indeed, increasingly important questions about the effects of the pandemic on junior mathematicians and the ways that we in academia can best respond to these issues in the upcoming months and years.
How have the research and teaching landscapes been affected by the pandemic?

How can universities help address the challenges of junior colleagues with caregiver responsibilities?

How should hiring committees assess “promise” in candidates with and without caregiver responsibilities during/after (?) the pandemic?

Related but different: How should applicants present their profiles?

The 90 minute meeting will take place on Friday, the 29th of April (2022) from 16:00-17:30 CET.

To register for the event, send an email with ‘subscribe’ in the subject to pryme[email protected].de
Registered participants will receive a zoom link for the meeting on the day of the event.

We plan to discuss

  • 16:30-17:15 Large group discussion
  • 17:15-18:00 Small group discussions in breakout rooms.


Please feel free to forward this announcement to others who may be interested.
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