18 Jul 2022

EWM in Italy, 2021-2022

In this document: EWM: a report from Italy you will find the full report including statistics on women mathematicians in Italy. 

Some recent initiatives about women in Mathematics in Italy

We describe below some recent initiatives organized in Italy to give visibility to women in mathematics, focusing in particular on those involving EWM as a partner.

February 11, 2021, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, online,
organized by young female Ph.D. students in Turin. Young female Ph.D. students and postdoc researchers introduced their research work in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Data Sciences. The event was introduced by a talk by Professor Susanna Terracini of the Department of Mathematics “G. Peano” of the University of Turin on the current role of women in Mathematics, and was closed by an interactive workshop held by MSc. Federica Lucco-Castello titled “Origami and Mathematical thinking”.

May 19, 2022, Women in Mathematics Day, Turin (hybrid),

organized by young female Ph.D. students in Turin on the occasion of the Women in Mathematics Day, on 19 May 2022. During the morning session, young female Ph.D. students introduced their research work in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics. In the afternoon session, a discussion on the gender gap in STEM was opened by a seminar by Anna Maria Cherubini (Università del Salento) and closed with a round table with Gabriella Caporaletti (EICAS Automazione), Anna Maria Cherubini, Giulia Ferrari (Università di Torino) and Arianna Montorsi (Politecnico di Torino).

June 14, 2022, Equity Diversity Inclusion Session in the conference GABY 2022,

The aim of this forthcoming event is to reflect on bias affecting minorities in Mathematics (and in the academia in general), with a particular focus on Women in Mathematics. It will be an opportunity to take part in interactive activities about preconceptions, to hear about the experience of female mathematical colleagues, and to share experiences in a friendly environment. The event includes the moderation and participation of two psychologists who will talk about unconscious bias.

We conclude by listing below some other events about women in Mathematics recently
organized in Italy as May 12 initiatives:
● May 27, 2020: Festa delle donne matematiche, organized by UMI, online event
● May 21, 2021: Festa delle donne matematiche, organized by UMI, online event
● May 12, 2022: Vite di Matematiche, organized by Univ. Camerino, online
● May 12, 2022: the Mirzakhani Issue, published by Comics&Science-CNR with the
sponsorship of UMI
● May 13, 2022: May12. Celebrating Women in Mathematics, Roma Tor Vergata.