EWM in Slovenia, 2020-2022
We closely collaborate with Women Committee at the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia. Within the Society we co-organized annual art contest for elementary schools and high schools to promote mathematics and celebrate the international day of mathematics (March 14).
Our main activity in the last couple of years was the organization of the extended exhibition Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. To this aim the conference Women of mathematics on the Mediterranean shores was organised in September 2019 in Bled, Slovenia, where some prominent female mathematicians from the Mediterranean area were invited to deliver lectures addressed to PhD students from Slovenia. They were also portrayed by the authors of the original exhibition, Sylvie Paycha and Noel Tovia Matoff. The extended exhibition was first presented at the 8th European Mathematical Congress, Koper, May-June 2021 and is visiting Slovenian University towns ever since:
- Municipality of Nova Gorica (July-August 2021)
- ZRC SAZU (February 2022), accompanied by a round table with 3 women portrayed from Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia
- Pedagogical faculty, University of Ljubljana (March 2022)
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana (June-October 2022)
We cooperated in the following panels and European projects:
- EWM – Panel on gender balance in mathematics at the 8th European Mathematical Congress, Portorož 2021
- Alt+G consortium of the European project ACT (creating Gender Equality Plans)
- European project THREAD, NWT11: Gender awareness and minorities, ethics in science
- Women in EuroProofNet, an event within EuroProofNet COST Action 20111
Last but not least, we organized some get-together activities for our members:
- Virtual screening of the movie “Secrets of the surface” on May 12 2020
- Virtual screening of the movie “Picture a scientist” on March 8, 2021 followed by a virtual debate (over Zoom) in March 10, 2021.