Travel Report by Hanna Veselovska

Hanna Veselovska
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for supporting me through the European Women in Mathematicians travel grant. The help you provide is of high importance for female mathematicians from developing countries. Due to your valuable financial support, I have had the privilege to participate to the 9th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces in Arachon, France. The Conference has been indeed remarkable due to the variety of research topics that was covered and to the worldwide mathematical community that was gathered together.
The program included top fields of current mathematical research: approximation theory, computer graphics and visualisation, computational geometry and topology, geometry processing, image and signal processing, mesh generation, finite elements and splines, sparse and high-dimensional approximation, etc., as well as related applications to manufacturing, mechanics, solid modelling, terrain modelling, oceanography, geosciences, life sciences. Besides, there were several highly specialized mini-symposias led by great experts like Dany Leviatan, Stefan Kunis,Vladimir Temlyakov, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Martin Rumpf and others. Participants had the opportunity to choose among the various sessions to discuss topics and future developments with the experts in the field.
The mini-symposium “Advances on Prony’s method” has been of particular interest to me, since our research is directly related to this method. The contributed talks of the symposia have offered the audience the opportunity to get acquainted with recent studies connected to the stabilization of the method, its multidimensional generalizations, and the conditional number of the Vandermonde matrix.
I believe that the most impressive talk has been that given by Annie Cuyt from the University of Antwerp. During her speech, Annie Cuyt introduced a new technique that allows stabilizing the multivariate Prony’s method in case of noisy data. Moreover, she presented numerous applications of her new technique to areas like signal processing, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and investigation of liquid pressure.
As a special added value I have found the atmosphere that was created for networking and collaboration. All the participants had a unique opportunity to interact and exchange their findings and views during the various sessions, coffee breaks as well as during the conference dinner. Having personal discussions with great professionals like Stefan Kunis, Annie Cut, Wen-Shin Lee, Avraham Sidi was unbelievable and precious. I believe that such a fruitful atmosphere was also inspired by the beautiful landscape and nature of Arcachon: an ocean breeze, a continuous sunshine, and the magnificent Dune du Pilot. The venue of the conference was really great.
In conclusion, the attendance of the 9th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces 2018 has been an important event in my scientific careeer since I have acquired new knowledge, developed new skills, and improved proficiency in my work.
I am very grateful to EWM and to University of Luebeck for the greatly appreciated support and for making this trip possible!
Hanna Veselovska
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